thank you for this game
It's really beautiful, light-hearted and just... well... different. thanks!
thank you for this game
It's really beautiful, light-hearted and just... well... different. thanks!
It felt so old school. I felt like playing Metroid All over again on my NES. :')
Good stuff man, good stuff.
Again, I love your style... Maybe i can learn a thing or two from your art. Also, I really liked how she was just a "doll", I don't support hentai or pornography on flashes/games, so it was a very nice touch. I also liked how you placed all the clothes on a nice order with the buttons, most people just lay it around the "workplace" and it's a complete mess dragging and dropping everything on the girl, not knowing if that goes there or whatever... You're very clever, I like it.
Please keep up the good work. I'll support you all the way
Thank you. =3 Yeah, I mean I don't want people to confuse this for some hentai game. I mean if she had girl parts, it sitll wouldn't be hentai. Just a lot of jerks who get upset. Like I told them it's a dress up game not a dress down. I decided to try a drag N drop dress up. Cept it's a bit more organize.
Althouh Nes graphics, the sprites where so cleanly cut out that it made me feel it really was a Nes game. Sound was very great, such a nice Brinstar remix you got yourself there, and beautifully edited... I feelt bad playing the game a little cause i had to kill my lovely Samus, but she killed me a couple of times before i could manage to get her, so I think it's justified, she's damn good in combat. A really nice work! (9/10) (5/5)
(Graphics and Humor 0 because i hate Sticks)
aside from being stickies, it notices that the animation quality surpases the other lame stickie films or games. good work. Im a terrible fighter, and I had a lousy time beating the crap out of the gray dude. but now that i finally wacked his brains out....
good job
Simply genius!
man, that's got to be the most adictive game I've played. the best part is the music, way to go chummer. thumbs up!
5 out of 5
You're the man!
Thank you MrJiggmin for this wonderful game. You made me belive in flash again, I played your game entirely and defeated the gargoyle, and now... I feel like flashes in Newgrounds are really worth the time.
Voting 5 out of 5 on you man!
Thank you! Now I feel like making that game was worth my time.
Brrrrrrrr!!! *shakes head violently*
Dude, that was so bizzare that will give me nightmares for the next two weeks. Cool work!
It was great!, looks like you spent hellova time on that, Graphics can be improved, also you could do more buildings, make an alien race that tries to anihilate your colonists and have to fight them back and stuff like that, it's up to you, but so far, so good! keep up the good work!.
Now there's something i found strange, for some reason i couldnt construct any quarries or ranchs... so my ppl staved to death... any clue on that?
Age 37, Male
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Joined on 12/19/02